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and receive your

$200,000 capital from MFA

Use your trading skills and verify them in the prepared process. Access to the MFA Funded Account is possible in just 10 days.

Step by Step

To a Funded Account

Phase 1


Requirements to complete this phase

Target Profit: 8%

The target profit means that the trader must achieve a profit in the form of the sum of closed positions on the assigned trading account at any time during the trading period. It should also be noted that to move to the next phase, all positions must be closed. 

For example, in the MFA Challenge with an account balance of $100,000 and a specified profit target of 8%, your target profit should be $8,000 at this stage.

Max Risk: 12%

The maximum loss is specified in the table for each type of Challenge. This means that you cannot incur a loss greater than the given percentage relative to the initial balance. For example, in a challenge with a specified maximum loss level of 12% and a balance of $100,000, this means that the lowest possible equity in the account can be $88,000. This includes both closed and open positions (account equity, not balance). The limit includes commissions and swaps.

Min. Amount of Trading Days: 5 days

Dzień handlowy, to taki, w którym otworzyłeś przynajmniej 1 transakcję. Jeżeli pozycja została otwarta jednego dnia, a następnie trzymana przez kilka, wówczas jako dzień handlowy liczy się tylko 1 dzień.

  • Access to the Trading Room 
  • 10% of the achieved TARGET value 
  • Access to the Trader Community

Phase 2


Requirements to complete this phase

Target Profit: 5%

The target profit means that the trader must achieve a profit in the form of the sum of closed positions on the assigned trading account at any time during the trading period. It should also be noted that to move to the next phase, all positions must be closed. 

For example, in the MFA Challenge with an account balance of $100,000 and a specified profit target of 8%, your target profit should be $8,000 at this stage.

Max Risk: 12%

The maximum loss is specified in the table for each type of Challenge. This means that you cannot incur a loss greater than the given percentage relative to the initial balance. For example, in a challenge with a specified maximum loss level of 12% and a balance of $100,000, this means that the lowest possible equity in the account can be $88,000. This includes both closed and open positions (account equity, not balance). The limit includes commissions and swaps.

Min. Amount of Trading Days: 5 days

Dzień handlowy, to taki, w którym otworzyłeś przynajmniej 1 transakcję. Jeżeli pozycja została otwarta jednego dnia, a następnie trzymana przez kilka, wówczas jako dzień handlowy liczy się tylko 1 dzień.

  • Access to the Trading Room 
  • 10% of the achieved TARGET value 
  • Access to the Trader Community

Phase 3


Requirements to complete this phase

Target Profit: None

The target profit means that the trader must achieve a profit in the form of the sum of closed positions on the assigned trading account at any time during the trading period. It should also be noted that to move to the next phase, all positions must be closed. 

For example, in the MFA Challenge with an account balance of $100,000 and a specified profit target of 8%, your target profit should be $8,000 at this stage.

Max Risk: 12%

The maximum loss is specified in the table for each type of Challenge. This means that you cannot incur a loss greater than the given percentage relative to the initial balance. For example, in a challenge with a specified maximum loss level of 12% and a balance of $100,000, this means that the lowest possible equity in the account can be $88,000. This includes both closed and open positions (account equity, not balance). The limit includes commissions and swaps.

Min. Amount of Trading Days: 5 days

Dzień handlowy, to taki, w którym otworzyłeś przynajmniej 1 transakcję. Jeżeli pozycja została otwarta jednego dnia, a następnie trzymana przez kilka, wówczas jako dzień handlowy liczy się tylko 1 dzień.

  • Access to the Trading Room 
  • 10% of the achieved TARGET value 
  • Access to the Trader Community

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Profit - Wanted

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Profit - Plus

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Profit - Phase 1

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Trading Objectives

Promotional code -15%: MFA15

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Choose the size of your WANTED account

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Join the trader community



Regular meetings, training sessions, webinars...

Regular meetings, training sessions, webinars, and discussions within the trader community help in the continuous development of your skills. You can participate in workshops and courses that enhance your knowledge and competencies.

#Knowledge Exchange


Community members share
their strategies...

Community members share their strategies, market analyses, and experiences. You can learn new techniques and approaches to trading that may enhance your effectiveness.



The trader community
offers emotional...

The trader community offers emotional and motivational support. Trading in financial markets can be stressful, and having a group of like-minded individuals helps to keep motivation and morale high.

Join the
Trading Room

The Live Trading Room is a virtual environment where traders can meet in real-time to jointly analyze markets, exchange ideas and trading strategies, and conduct live trades.


Market Analysis

We take a close look
at the current situation...

Market Analysis: We take a close look at the current situation in various financial markets, analyzing charts, technical indicators, and price patterns. Participants can observe how we identify key support and resistance levels as well as market trends.

Review of the macroeconomic calendar and the impact of news on price movements: We conduct a detailed review of upcoming macroeconomic events, such as economic data releases, central bank decisions, and speeches by important public figures. We discuss how these events can influence price movements across different financial instruments.

Creating trading plans based on proven strategies: We create and present trading plans based on proven strategies. Participants learn how to formulate their own trading plans, taking into account various market scenarios, risk management, and potential entry and exit points for positions.



During live sessions, traders can ask questions...

During live sessions, traders can ask questions in real-time, express their opinions, and share their trading ideas.

20H of sessions

every week

We offer a unique opportunity to participate...

We offer a unique opportunity to participate in 20 hours of live sessions per week, which will provide you with:


  • In-depth market analysis
  • Review of major macroeconomic events
  • Creation of trading plans


Our live trading sessions are not just theoretical learning but primarily practical experience in real-time. Join us and see how professional traders make decisions live. This is a unique opportunity to elevate your trading skills to a higher level and gain confidence in the financial market.



The Trading Academy is a comprehensive educational program designed for individuals who want to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effective trading in financial markets. The Academy offers a variety of courses, training sessions, and practical sessions covering a wide range of trading-related topics.


from scratch

Our program covers
all aspects of trade...

Our program covers all aspects of trading. 


  • Comprehensive Education
  • Practical Experience
  • Individual Support
  • Access to Tools and Resources
  • Trader Community
  • Flexible Learning Conditions
  • Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Increased Earning Potential



Learning proven trading

Trading strategies bring many benefits that can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your trading in financial markets.



Przyglądamy się aktualnej sytuacji na różnych rynkach...

Analiza rynku : Dokładnie przyglądamy się aktualnej sytuacji na różnych rynkach finansowych, analizując wykresy, wskaźniki techniczne oraz formacje cenowe. Uczestnicy mogą obserwować, jak identyfikujemy kluczowe poziomy wsparcia i oporu oraz trendy rynkowe.
Przegląd kalendarza makroekonomicznego oraz wpływ newsów na ruchy cenowe : Przeprowadzamy szczegółowy przegląd nadchodzących wydarzeń makroekonomicznych, takich jak publikacje danych gospodarczych, decyzje banków centralnych czy wystąpienia ważnych osób publicznych. Omawiamy, jak te wydarzenia mogą wpłynąć na ruchy cenowe na różnych instrumentach finansowych.

Tworzenie planów tradingowych opartych na sprawdzonych strategiach:
Tworzymy i prezentujemy plany tradingowe, które bazują na sprawdzonych strategiach. Uczestnicy uczą się, jak formułować swoje własne plany handlowe, uwzględniając różne scenariusze rynkowe, zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz potencjalne punkty wejścia i wyjścia z pozycji.





Receive your capital
$200,000 from MFA

Use your trading skills, verify them in the prepared process.
Access to the MFA Funded Account is possible in just 10 days.
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